Thriller Author Catherine McKenzie Shares Her All-Time Favorite Twisty Reads

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I love a good twisty read. It’s one of the reasons I write books like Six Weeks to Live, about a woman who discovers when she’s diagnosed with terminal cancer that someone might also have tried to kill her a year earlier. It’s like a magic trick, one that makes you shout in delight when it’s pulled off. As a writer, I’m always asking myself: Can you both surprise the reader and be fair to them? If they go back and look at all of the clues left behind, will they be able to see the clues that were missed and their path to the ending? That’s the type of book I’m aiming to write and that I most enjoy reading. For my money, these are some of the best of the genre. Preorder your copy of Catherine McKenzie’s Six Weeks to Live, out May 4, here