New Releases for Less

Our weekly New Releases for Less email highlights a curated collection of low-priced new releases hand-selected by our editors from hundreds of partner submissions. Reaching millions of readers, these promotions let partners with competitively-priced releases achieve significant scale for their launch campaigns.

New Releases for Less email screenshots

Why run a New Releases for Less feature?

Reach relevant readers

Each feature is sent to all eligible BookBub members subscribed to the book’s category.

Target active book buyers

74% of our members read 4+ books per month, so they are constantly on the hunt for their next read and primed to purchase the books they discover on BookBub.

Generate exposure

Reaching such a large audience of readers can lead to increased sales, awareness, buzz, and word-of-mouth attention for your new release.

Drive sales during launch

Highlight the exciting prices of new ebooks to entice readers beyond an author’s existing fanbase to purchase.

Goals you can accomplish using New Releases for Less

How it works


Submit a Book

Submit your new release for consideration via the Partner Dashboard.


Await Editorial Review

Our editorial team will review your submission. If selected, you’ll confirm the date, book price, and category and pay for the feature.


Prepare Your New Release

Make sure the cover and description are updated and the book is available on all the retailers you want included in the promotion.


We Send to Our Members

We’ll email your New Release for Less feature to our readers in the confirmed category to purchase and enjoy!

Submit your book for New Releases for Less

Sign up for free! BookBub has the tools you need to connect with millions of power readers hungry for their next great book.

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