The chart below outlines the current cost of a BookBub Featured Deal, which varies based on the book's category, discount price, and regional availability. Featured Deals may be scheduled for all regions (US, UK, Canada, and Australia), US-only, or international-only.
BookBub does not own point-of-sale data, so the average downloads and sales ranges provided are estimates based on recent click data and conversion rate data reported by some retail partners. They represent estimated downloads and sales resulting directly from clicks on Featured Deal emails, though most of our partners see additional sales and downloads during their promotions. Results are not guaranteed.
Every Featured Deal that is available on all supported retailers will be sent to all the subscribers listed for its category, but some deals may get additional exposure. Featured Deals may be booked up to 30 days in advance.
BookBub Fee by Book Price | Free Book Stats | Discounted Book Stats | |||||||
Category | Min. Subscribers Emailed | Free | $0.99 | $1-$2 | $2-$3 | $3+ | Est. Avg. Downloads | Est. Sales Range | |
Action and Adventure | 1,550,000+ | $521 | $758 | $1,306 | $1,898 | $2,656 | 26,850 | 100 - 5,800 | |
Advice and How-To | 870,000+ | $537 | $781 | $1,339 | $1,952 | $2,732 | 12,500 | 200 - 4,500 | |
American Historical Romance | 780,000+ | $371 | $540 | $958 | $1,350 | $1,889 | 16,550 | 100 - 2,300 | |
Biographies and Memoirs | 1,810,000+ | $662 | $962 | $1,665 | $2,405 | $3,367 | 18,950 | 350 - 6,950 | |
Black Stories & Experiences | 320,000+ | $115 | $166 | $290 | $416 | $582 | 3,950 | 50 - 1,050 | |
Business | 450,000+ | $260 | $378 | $649 | $947 | $1,325 | 6,600 | 150 - 2,050 | |
Children's | 400,000+ | $104 | $152 | $259 | $379 | $530 | 4,000 | 50 - 720 | |
Christian Fiction | 540,000+ | $260 | $378 | $664 | $946 | $1,324 | 17,850 | 300 - 3,100 | |
Christian Nonfiction | 590,000+ | $431 | $628 | $1,103 | $1,569 | $2,196 | 10,550 | 50 - 4,100 | |
Classics | 1,740,000+ | $548 | $798 | $1,375 | $1,994 | $2,791 | 23,250 | 300 - 8,650 | |
Contemporary Romance | 1,540,000+ | $665 | $966 | $1,694 | $2,417 | $3,383 | 35,050 | 250 - 6,550 | |
Cooking | 980,000+ | $593 | $861 | $1,501 | $2,154 | $3,014 | 18,400 | 300 - 4,550 | |
Cozy Mysteries | 1,690,000+ | $713 | $1,036 | $1,804 | $2,591 | $3,627 | 38,300 | 400 - 6,050 | |
Crime Fiction | 2,590,000+ | $798 | $1,161 | $2,005 | $2,904 | $4,064 | 39,650 | 200 - 7,500 | |
Dark Romance & Erotica | 550,000+ | $189 | $275 | $473 | $687 | $961 | 12,150 | 100 - 1,950 | |
Erotic Romance | 820,000+ | $552 | $803 | $1,393 | $2,007 | $2,810 | 22,000 | 100 - 3,700 | |
Fantasy | 1,300,000+ | $489 | $712 | $1,224 | $1,782 | $2,494 | 23,100 | 100 - 6,250 | |
General Nonfiction | 1,290,000+ | $427 | $621 | $1,074 | $1,554 | $2,175 | 12,550 | 200 - 3,850 | |
Historical Fiction | 1,880,000+ | $760 | $1,106 | $1,925 | $2,767 | $3,872 | 24,300 | 300 - 6,600 | |
Historical Mysteries | 1,780,000+ | $710 | $1,032 | $1,797 | $2,580 | $3,611 | 18,650 | 400 - 4,700 | |
Historical Romance | 1,120,000+ | $482 | $699 | $1,225 | $1,751 | $2,450 | 19,550 | 50 - 5,100 | |
History | 1,230,000+ | $472 | $688 | $1,193 | $1,719 | $2,406 | 14,050 | 50 - 4,900 | |
Horror | 720,000+ | $248 | $359 | $621 | $899 | $1,258 | 11,600 | 50 - 2,000 | |
Humor | 810,000+ | $265 | $386 | $666 | $965 | $1,351 | 14,350 | 100 - 2,850 | |
LGBTQ+ | 280,000+ | $145 | $211 | $365 | $529 | $740 | 3,800 | 50 - 1,300 | |
Literary Fiction | 1,740,000+ | $545 | $793 | $1,368 | $1,982 | $2,774 | 23,250 | 300 - 8,650 | |
Middle Grade | 370,000+ | $105 | $152 | $260 | $380 | $532 | 3,250 | 50 - 1,420 | |
New Adult Romance | 920,000+ | $227 | $331 | $571 | $829 | $1,159 | 17,000 | 50 - 3,400 | |
Paranormal Romance | 730,000+ | $297 | $434 | $747 | $1,085 | $1,517 | 16,250 | 150 - 3,150 | |
Parenting | 340,000+ | $169 | $247 | $423 | $616 | $863 | 3,350 | 50 - 900 | |
Politics and Current Events | 370,000+ | $142 | $208 | $356 | $519 | $726 | 5,500 | 100 - 2,700 | |
Psychological Thrillers | 1,780,000+ | $632 | $921 | $1,575 | $2,303 | $3,224 | 30,800 | 350 - 5,750 | |
Religion and Spirituality | 710,000+ | $301 | $438 | $755 | $1,098 | $1,536 | 7,950 | 200 - 1,950 | |
Rom-Com | 740,000+ | $266 | $387 | $664 | $968 | $1,355 | 15,650 | 100 - 3,550 | |
Romantic Suspense | 1,190,000+ | $460 | $669 | $1,166 | $1,673 | $2,342 | 27,900 | 350 - 5,450 | |
Science | 490,000+ | $275 | $400 | $698 | $1,002 | $1,402 | 10,900 | 150 - 3,150 | |
Science Fiction | 1,210,000+ | $523 | $761 | $1,321 | $1,905 | $2,666 | 22,700 | 100 - 4,200 | |
Supernatural Suspense | 990,000+ | $334 | $484 | $835 | $1,211 | $1,694 | 20,000 | 150 - 4,850 | |
Teen and Young Adult | 1,010,000+ | $177 | $256 | $446 | $642 | $898 | 9,800 | 50 - 2,450 | |
Thrillers | 2,110,000+ | $650 | $944 | $1,625 | $2,361 | $3,305 | 30,900 | 200 - 10,550 | |
Time Travel Romance | 470,000+ | $174 | $252 | $438 | $632 | $884 | 8,300 | 150 - 3,050 | |
True Crime | 710,000+ | $379 | $550 | $947 | $1,376 | $1,925 | 11,400 | 250 - 4,750 | |
Women's Fiction | 1,460,000+ | $705 | $1,024 | $1,779 | $2,561 | $3,585 | 35,650 | 250 - 9,300 |